

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • Lakshmi

    Designed by Marina Coudray The ‘Mandalas’ tattoo set features oriental style patterns, with rings and bracelets that combine metallic gold and silvers with turquoises, greens and fine burgundy lines. 

    12,90 €
  • Hera

    Designed by Chloé Manceau Gold, navy blue and red coral tattoos inspired from Greek culture.

    12,90 €
  • Mini Silver Origami

    Silver and turquoise tattoos designed by Marina CoudrayBlending silver with shades of blue, this Mini Sioou is composed of different origami patterns. You can easily place these tattoos on your shoulder, on your wrist, on your neck and even on your feet.By ordering, you'll receive the whole tattoo sheet  + a manual + cleansing wipes :-)

    5,00 €